Diweddariad y Pwyllgor Iechyd a Gofal Cymdeithasol

Annwyl gyfaill,


Anghydraddoldebau iechyd meddwl


Cyhoeddwyd ein hadroddiad ar 19 Rhagfyr 2022. Mae'r adroddiad llawn a chrynodeb ohono ar gael ar y wefan yr ymchwiliad ar ffurfiau PDF, Word ac HTML.


Rydym hefyd wedi cyhoeddi crynodeb o safbwyntiau ein grŵp cynghori a oedd yn cynnwys pobl â phrofiad byw gwahanol a rannwyd â ni yn ystod yr ymchwiliad.


Rydym yn disgwyl i Lywodraeth Cymru ymateb i’n hargymhellion erbyn dechrau mis Chwefror.



Canserau Gynaecolegol

Ym mis Tachwedd gwnaethom lansio ymgynghoriad newydd ar ganserau gynaecolegol.


Y dyddiad cau ar gyfer ymatebion yw 13 Ionawr 2023; mae gwybodaeth am sut i ymateb ar gael ar ein gwefan.


Materion sy’n wynebu’r sector gofal cymdeithasol

Ar 30 Tachwedd, gwnaethom gynnal sesiwn sganio’r gorwel gydag Arolygiaeth Gofal Cymru i drafod materion sy’n wynebu’r sector gofal cymdeithasol.


Mae trawsgrifiad o'r cyfarfod ar gael ar ein gwefan, neu gallwch wylio’r sesiwn ar Senedd.tv.


Y gweithlu iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol


Fel rhan o'n gwaith parhaus ar y gweithlu iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol, gwnaethom ymweld â Phrifysgol De Cymru ar 8 Rhagfyr 2022. Roedd yn gyfle i ni glywed yn uniongyrchol gan fyfyrwyr, staff ac ymchwilwyr am y materion sydd o bwys iddynt a gweld y cyfleusterau, a bydd yr ymweliad hefyd yn helpu i lywio ein sesiwn graffu gyda’r Prif Swyddog Nyrsio ar 26 Ionawr.


(Insert visit photo – possible)


Gwasanaethau endosgopi: ymchwiliad dilynol


Caeodd ein hymgynghoriad ar wasanaethau endosgopi ar 13 Rhagfyr 2022. Diolch i bawb a gyflwynodd dystiolaeth. Byddwn yn dechrau cynnal sesiynau tystiolaeth lafar yn gynnar yn 2023.


Cyllideb Ddrafft Llywodraeth Cymru ar gyfer 2023-24

Cyhoeddodd Llywodraeth Cymru ei chyllideb ddrafft ar gyfer 2023-24 ar 13 Rhagfyr 2022. Byddwn yn craffu ar y Gweinidogion sy'n gyfrifol am iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol ynglŷn â’r gyllideb ddrafft ddydd Mercher 11 Ionawr. Caiff y sesiwn ei darlledu'n fyw ar www.senedd.tv, a bydd ar gael ar alw wedyn.


Gwaith arall y Pwyllgor


Gallwch hefyd weld manylion am waith y Pwyllgor hyd yma a'i flaenraglen waith ar ein gwefan.


Gallwch hefyd gael y wybodaeth ddiweddaraf am waith y Pwyllgor drwy ein dilyn ar Twitter yn @seneddiechyd.


Rydych yn cael yr e-bost hwn gan eich bod wedi gofyn yn flaenorol am gael gwybod am ymchwiliadau newydd y Pwyllgor.


Os nad ydych am gael yr hysbysiadau hyn mwyach, rhowch wybod inni drwy anfon neges at: SeneddIechyd@senedd.cymru.


Health and Social Care Committee update

Dear colleague


Mental health inequalities


We published our report on 19 December 2022. The full report and a summary are available on the inquiry webpage [FH(CyS|SC1] as pdf, word and web versions.


We’ve also published a summary of the views our online advisory group comprised of people with different lived experiences shared with us during the inquiry.


The Welsh Government is due to respond to our recommendations by early February.



Gynaecological Cancers

In November[FH(CyS|SC2] [MS3]  we launched a new consultation on gynaecological cancers.


The closing date for responses is 13 January 2023; information about how to respond can be found on our website[FH(CyS|SC4] .


Issues facing the social care sector

On 30 November we held a horizon-scanning session with Care Inspectorate Wales to discuss issues facing the social care sector.


A transcript of the meeting can be found on our website or you can watch on Senedd.tv.


Following the meeting, we wrote to the Deputy Minister for Social Services to highlight the clear and stark messages around the fragility of the social care sector.


Health and social care workforce


As part of our ongoing work on the health and social care workforce[FH(CyS|SC5] , we visited the University of South Wales on 8 December 2022. As well as giving us a chance to hear directly from students, staff and researchers about the issues that matter to them and see the facilities, the visit will help inform our scrutiny session with the Chief Nursing Officer on 26 January.


(Insert visit photo – possible)


Endoscopy services: follow up inquiry


Our consultation on Endoscopy services closed on 13 December 2022. Thank you to everyone that submitted evidence. We will begin holding oral evidence sessions in early 2023.


Welsh Government’s draft budget 2023-24

The Welsh Government published its draft budget for 2023-24 on 13 December. We’ll be scrutinising the Ministers with responsibility for health and social care on the draft budget on Wednesday 11 January. The session will be broadcast live on www.senedd.tv, and available on demand afterwards.


Other Committee activity


You can find details of the Committee’s work to date, and its upcoming work programme [FH(CyS|SC6] on our website.


You can also keep up with the Committee’s work by following us on Twitter at @seneddhealth.


You are receiving this email as you have previously asked to be notified of new Committee inquiries.


If you no longer wish to receive these notifications, please let us know at SeneddHealth@senedd.wales.



 [FH(CyS|SC1]Link to inquiry page

 [FH(CyS|SC2]Or October?

It was November [MS3]

 [FH(CyS|SC4]Link to consultation page

 [FH(CyS|SC5]This should be a link to the health and social care workforce issue, which is currently under completed work. It needs to move to the 'continuing work' box please. I can't actually access it at the moment - the link from the completed work box tells me its blocked? (although I could access it in the end via the Welsh side?!).


Health and social care workforce (senedd.wales)


I'm going to need to update the text on this issue page a bit to make it fit for the future. I'll do that on Friday.

 [FH(CyS|SC6]The FWP for the website needs to be updated to reflect the spring - I'll put a note on teams asking Rob to do this.